THE HOLDOVERS is a captivating Christmas story of three lonely, shipwrecked people at a New England boarding school over a very snowy winter break in 1970. The comedy stars Paul Giamatti as a teacher of ancient history who is universally disliked by students and colleagues; Da’Vine Joy Randolph as Mary Lamb, the head cook of the school, and Dominic Sessa as Angus Tully, a smart but troubled student. Left to their own devices in the empty school, there are adventures, a little calamity and, finally, a semblance of family.
- Saturday 23rd November
- Doors open 6:30pm, Film starts 7pm (strictly no admittance before 6:30pm)
- Certificate 15
- Halkyn Parish Hall / Halkyn Library
- Tickets £5 each (no concessions) available now using the PayPal button below